Outfit diary / a newfound love for pants, a Beth Harmon obsession, and New Year thoughts. Whoops ~ so much for being a travel blog with my first article of 2021 being about clothes.
First things first, to anyone reading this:
It'll be a WONDERFUL 2021!
Goodbye 2020...
what an interesting year...
You know that feeling of nostalgia when you flip through an old journal or photo album?
That happy, yet also slightly sad kind of feeling you get when thinking of a time gone?
Well, that feeling hit me particularly hard in 2020 especially with my phone's daily reminder of 'memories'. And that was exactly how I felt after re-reading my first blog post last year. It's crazy how much life has changed! While writing that post, I had fully intended to talk about my travels on this blog. But alas, 2020 had different plans and my thinking shifted more towards working on myself, and my confidence.
Truth be told, the past few months just slipped through my fingers. A new term has started and it was an almost surreal university experience of just endless Zoom seminars and awkward silences.
Colleagues I feel like I know, but not quite. Friendships I hope are kind of established through the few private Zoom chats I've attempted...
But like the name itself, Zoom was at times
and frankly, exhausting.
As I barely left my room, my daily attire became t-shirts and shorts again EXCEPT on Saturdays. When a lunch out called for over-excited-dress-up sessions. In the end, I decided to write about the few outfits that made me feel more confident and some inkling towards normality.
/ The white cargo pants /
This piece is extremely comfortable and versatile, and probably one of my best investments! For someone who owns too many high-waisted denim skirts, this definitely added a whole new dimension to my wardrobe that I did not realise I needed!
The Brunch/Dinner Switch

Swap the wedges for stilettos and voila! A brunch-turned-dinner outfit.
I really like the slit in this summer sweater because not only does it help with the heat, it adds a nice subtle detail to the outfit (or a ScAndAlouS glimmer of arm). As to not contest against the graphics of the neck scarf, a simple gold belt was enough to tie the whole outfit together!
This outfit was actually inspired by the Queen's Gambit (which by the way, if you have not watched it, I highly recommend it).
Nope, it does NOT look like any of Beth Harmon's outfits, or even a 1960s style for that matter - well except for the scarf because I got a little obsessed over Beth's many extremely cute headscarves (yeah, on her head, not her neck- I know.)
Rather, I was inspired by her attitude. Beth is so at ease with her gender. I love that she dresses purely to please herself. Throughout the series, her clothes complement her confidence so well that she just stood out so strongly from the other female characters. Her ability to be completely free of the burden of other people's opinions is inspiring - so inspiring that it inspired an outfit that DOES NOT look like any of her clothes in the show.
Oh well, sometimes fashion shan't be questioned, yes?
Side note / if you're interested in the metaphors behind her iconic outfits, this article is really interesting.
Can't decide between Going Girly or Street Style?

As the title suggests, that was exactly how I felt. I paired the worn-looking sneakers with that beret and lacy white crop top to add a boyish, street style vibe atop the otherwise girlish details.
In general, I feel more comfortable with more boyish clothes. Something about literally 'wearing the pants' makes me feel more in control. Then there are the days when lace cries out to my girlish side. So I love mixing punk with lace, and vice versa because I think contrasting elements actually make the best combinations!
/ The ripped Boyfriend Jeans /
More like SHREDDED jeans now.
A testament to just how much I love this pair of jeans.
The discovery of the oversized boxy tee / Casual

I apologise for the lack of outfit diversity. It was when I was compiling these pictures for this post did I truly realise that I was practically wearing the same heels-and-pants combination every dress-up-Saturday! Oh well, as the French say: know what you like, and those staples are all you need in your wardrobe.
It was on one of my first weekends out in late September - a respite from screens - when I discovered just how wonderful the boxy t-shirt is.
Again, Beth Harmon inspired - aha!
The oversized boxy tee can be tucked in, and can easily be transformed from casual to more dressy situations. I thought the graphics on this one is really cute, especially when paired with a long necklace. I thought that this adorable robot chain necklace added a playful layer to the t-shirt.
The discovery of the oversized boxy tee / Dinner Switch!

Back with the boxy tee: Top a plain one off with a wide, detailed belt. Layer on some necklaces or put on your loop earrings with a dab of red lipstick perhaps. Swap your sneakers for a pair of platform heels, and off to dinner you go!
That was literally what I did after a full day of rushing about and hey, I think it worked out better than I expected! What do you think?
Wow, I miss writing. And I mean writing about clothes, and thoughts and travel!
Informal writing. A nice break from academic writing that is literally just me word-vomiting on my laptop.
This form of writing came so easily to me before but just a few months off and I struggle again to word my thoughts! But I do look forward to writing about travel again.
From my room. With my phone 'memories'.
But I have faith that things will get better soon.
That is all I have for this week. Till then,
Thank you for reading!